
Showing posts from December, 2021

Trolling Moments

 Not sure if it's the best look to pick on the one pop culture icon twitter shows a lot of love to, but then again, when you are trolling and have nothing better to do... | Direct Link |

Take a hike, man.

On November 3, 2021,  Pete showed his absolute best example of what being a better person is by attacking a random woman online about her grand-daughter getting a vaccination and a member of the Transformer fandom, who happens to be a medical professional confronts him. It goes well for the pediatrician.  Randomly being a jerk and a troll to people online in Pete's default setting… and this is the guy behind BotCon?!? This is the guy who tells the fandom to be better and to act better? Yo dude, you first? But is he for or against vaccinating? Well, maybe not children. HERE: | Direct Link | PDF | HERE:  | Direct Link | PDF | Next day HERE:  | Direct Link | PDF | (Lets not forget that at the time of these conversations, the FDA/CDC had just announced that children 5-12 were now authorized to receive the pfizer vaccination in the United States.) Pete must either work for them or know something they don’t about children’s vaccinations. (This whole incident sparks off