Not sure if it's the best look to pick on the one pop culture icon twitter shows a lot of love to, but then again, when you are trolling and have nothing better to do...
While the ranting continues to permeate social media in Pete Sinclair's direction there is a important point that has been lost to the drama melt downs entirely. How his online store is actually going to combat the potential credit card issue of 2012 that keeps being brought up in random places online. This is one of the biggest negative points from his non-supportive critics. And in his defense, not that he's really repeated it OFTEN to the people that probably need to hear it the loudest. His store uses Shopify which is one of the best rated online, a quick google search also details that the company hires hackers to help secure it's encryption so even as the internet and hacking improves, they'll keep themselves on the cutting edge ahead of other platforms! You'd think that Pete would be more than a little eager to use this information to combat the naysayers every time they open their mouths and criticize him. And he has in fact mentioned it a handful of times ...
Just to be clear on Pete Sinclair's stance on VACCINATION, out of his mouth specifically. He is 100% for everyone getting the jab EXCEPT children. Even after having a very lengthy conversation on twitter with a pediatrician (you can see how that conversation went by clicking here ) which did not end with him defending his point of view well. Without having a medical background himself, or any credentials that tie him to the NIH, the CDC, or the FDA, he believes children shouldn't be vaccinated. And is completely FINE going after random grandmothers on twitter to SHAME them for such abuses to children! So does that make him half anti-vax or just anti-child-vax? Anti-child-covid-vax?? And he insists that the pandemic is now endemic, when the CDC and NIH have neither announced this nor declared the United States free of Covid-19 hospitalizations. It's a really specific word, he's thrown it around a few times since November. "We are ENDEMIC" according to Pete. A...
May 10th 2021 It's the day that many should remember going down as the Epic Online Implosion that only a select group of the fandom experienced, but will hopefully resonate with fans weeks and months to come as the moment when what was said and what actually happened proved more that it's not about what can't be dropped by the fandom but what won't go away because it demands a shift from reality into a morphed version of glory days ended that will not be given back. After a long day of confrontation on different accounts across twitter, Pete had a epic meltdown on long time twitter user Vangelus, who handled the situation as best he could. Vangelus is NOT some one who has been vocally attacking Pete, but because in Pete's mind he is sure he's in on it... he insisted that Vangelus engage him. It was uncalled for harassment and Vangelus held his own. Click here to read the resulting tweets | Tweet from Pete that started it all.. | ..more here | ..and here | ....
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