The Jabby Jabby of all Jabbies!
Just to be clear on Pete Sinclair's stance on VACCINATION, out of his mouth specifically. He is 100% for everyone getting the jab EXCEPT children. Even after having a very lengthy conversation on twitter with a pediatrician (you can see how that conversation went by clicking here) which did not end with him defending his point of view well.
Without having a medical background himself, or any credentials that tie him to the NIH, the CDC, or the FDA, he believes children shouldn't be vaccinated.
And is completely FINE going after random grandmothers on twitter to SHAME them for such abuses to children!
So does that make him half anti-vax or just anti-child-vax? Anti-child-covid-vax??
And he insists that the pandemic is now endemic, when the CDC and NIH have neither announced this nor declared the United States free of Covid-19 hospitalizations. It's a really specific word, he's thrown it around a few times since November. "We are ENDEMIC" according to Pete.
And then Omicron hit a few weeks later.
Why does this matter? WHY does it matter if some dude on twitter named Pete is going off about vaccinations and who should have one and the pandemic being over with?
Because he's the silent partner/investor of a convention named BotCon. (A WELL KNOWN FAMILY FRIENDLY CONVENTION.) And based on his personal views he will advise his fellow convention organizers to just do the bare minimum of expectation at the recently announced convention to cover their legal obligations to provide a safe environment in the middle of a pandemic. When other Transformer themed conventions have in fact gone further than their local advisories and have both required masks AND vaccination proof, or just moved to an online option until things were safer.
The ASK is, can BotCon not do the same? Can they not just ask every attendee that they will be required to wear a mask and provide a vaccination card or quick test on site? Botcon sited their policy will be to literally defer to the local state regulations in that area, and not go a step further.
They CAN do what they want, they can set whatever policies that they want. Cybertronic Spree, a fan band, which has been touring around the United States during the pandemic has done JUST THAT! They required everyone to be masked and to show proof of vaccination status or a quick test before being admitted to the show, no matter what state they were in, they worked it out with each venue.
Since Pete doesn't believe children need to be vaccinated why would he encourage his fellow BotCon business partners to do anything more than just do what the state the convention event will take place in? In fact, if they don't want to pursue asking fans to come to the show under special circumstances like a commitment to wear a mask and be vaccinated (and expect proof) it makes you wonder if perhaps its because some of the people he works with don't plan to get vaccinated? Or just don't care enough about making sure the people who will help make the event successful are really safe?
It's interesting because before BotCon announced anything, Pete took a very "do what you want" "I'm not involved" stance. (His involvement is in this grey area that's really yet to be determined?) He uses his "connection" with BotCon when it suits his purpose (sometimes to justify raging online at fans who respond to the BotCon announcements) and then "throws it away" when he needs to. | example 1 | example 2 | example 3 |
Certainly, anyone can decide to just not attend. And that's a completely valid point. In fact, many fans have done just that. They have said publicly on twitter "I will not go because of this." and "I will specifically not go to BotCon because of" concerns. And rather than go out and target EVERY fan proclaiming that they are not going to go because of said reasons, he's going after one person who has verbally said as much because Pete has a personal beef with that fan.
And he's crying out "hypocrisy" that only BotCon is being called out like this.
He's somehow made it all about Pete being the victim. And the actual convention public account BotCon has said nothing of the sort.
This dual critique of the convention being defended by Pete almost as soon as there are public posts makes it difficult to separate between is this "Pete policy" or "BotCon policy?"
Would make things much more CLEAR if fans had that distinction.
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