Avoiding Harassment Tips

What to do if you are being harassed online?

1. Save detailed records of each incident. Write down as much information as possible including: date, time, location, witnesses, etc.

2. Take screenshots that include date and time stamps.

3. Minimize contact with the harasser. Take steps to block calls and texts, adjust your privacy settings to only allow people you trust to interact with you, and avoid further communication with the harasser. 

4. Use Block and Mute features on social media.

5. Speak to a support group, close friends, close family.

6. Self Care in a way that helps you feel calm, safe, loved, and stay away from the internet until you do feel better. When you return, do not engage with harasser or problematic sympathizers.

What does Cyber Bullying/CyberStalking/Harassment look like? 

(It can be mild to serious and any number of the following, and more.)

1. Publicly shaming you or close associates or group similar to you.

2. Stalking your account and/or topics addressing the focus of the harassment.

3. Systematically or individual repeated harassment by one or more, to threaten, or intimidation of a person or persons.

4. Repeated trolling by a group of people in a mass effort to kick you offline or make you feel not safe. Gamergate type of behavior. More than 3 people, all around the same time, date.

5. Repeated fake profiles follow you, message or @ you.

6. Personal identifying information about your identity posted online for anyone to see and also take up the harassment. Sometimes taken into the real world. (doxxing)

7. Someone who keeps on jumping into conversations that they weren't included in to repeatedly correct or say the same harassing thing.

8. Someone when told to leave you alone, won't leave you alone.

We here at TFCO do NOT endorse any cyber bullying, stalking, or harassing behavior. Please do not engage in this type of behavior with anyone even if you don't like them. While we are calling out bad behaviors to keep online persons accountable in their harassment of others, we do not ask any of our readers to bother or give harassers a platform to continue the behavior.

We absolutely endorse blocking/muting harassers and ignoring them. Especially individuals detailed here on this blog. Don't engage them.


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