Fan is Harassed off Twitter

May 10, 2021

Random online Transformers reviewer named Brentosaur posted a personal tweet on his opinion of BotCon. He did not @ at anyone but Pete and some of his supporters found and engaged with Brentosaur until he felt threatened enough to delete his twitter account to keep the harassment from continuing.

Not sure if Brent was being targeted from the beginning? Pete seems to allude several times online since this interaction that there are a group of specific "bad actors" trying to soil his name and what he's built. But the list seems to keep growing and new people are being added almost every time there is a drama event online. Anyone that says anything about him that is negative seems to be apart of this growing group YET, they have been around for 5-8 years? One might say that anyone that criticizes Pete is a "bad character" by virtue of just not being on his side.

Brentosaur Post One | Brentosaur Post Two | Brentosaur Post Three | Brentosaur Post Four |

Followers of Brentosaur had no idea what happened but friends of his reached out to make sure he was okay and those friends reported back that he was taking a break. Two days later Brentosaur rejoined twitter and explained what had happened from his POV:

Brentosaur wrap up

He was then approached by a person associated with BotCon to clear the air but nothing really came out of the interaction. It's being included in our report because establishing a pattern of behavior and how the convention owners will continue to treat fans or potential fans of their convention is of great interest to Transformer fans online.

Brentosaur conversation post

Pete most definitely had to react to this interaction of course, because it's Pete and he's got an opinion that can't be ignored.

Response from Pete

The following table details the original interactions and how Brentosaur and Pete supporters went at him. Honestly this is mild harassment. Within a single hours time, as you can see on the time stamps, four individuals interacted with Brentosaur. He did not seek these individuals out, they sought him out within a specific amount of time. The convenience is unusual and not every twitter user that posts a commentary on BotCon is targeted like this. But Brentosaur was.

While Pete certainly is quick to say people are after him, in this instance it appears the opposite is true and that the harassment is being caused by him and his supporters.

Time Table:

May 10th 2021 (Time stamp will be unique to whatever time zone you are in.)

01.     Brentosaur: starts thread about official BotCon response

            10:17 am

02.     Brentosaur: Botcon name is so soiled. (DID NOT @ anyone.)

            10:35 am

03.     Brentosaur: Buying once famous convention.

            10:41 am

04.     LonelyHydra: previous owner of BotCon was Brian.

            11:29 am

05.     Brentosaur: I don’t care.

            11:31 am

06.     Brentosaur: Botcon denied involvement of pete.

            11:34 am

07.     Primal Sabbath: where have they denied involvement. things we know:

            11:36 am

08.     Brentosaur: denied it on message boards

            11:39 am

09.     Archivist Prime: You clearly do though.

            11:42 am

10.     Primal Sabbath: Got any links?

            11:42 am

11.     Lonelyhydra: I’m sure we haven’t.

            11:47 am

12.     Brentosaur: I care that a terrible person from previous BC is involved with new one.

            11:56 am

13.     Brentosaur: talks about pete defenders in his @’s

            12:00 pm

14.     Brentosaur: Brian Savage owner correction.

            12:02 pm

15.     Pete: you never supported Botcon to begin with.

            12:11 pm

16.     Brentosaur: AllSpark announcement was sooo botched because of pete involvement.

            12:12 pm

17.     Brentosaur: names them shareholders.

            12:17 pm

18.     Lonelyhydra: viewing different universal streams

            12:25 pm

19.     Brentosaur: posted hateful content, ran Botcon’s public relations into the ground.

            12:28 pm

20.     Primal Sabbath: So it is delusion then?

            12:33 pm

21.     Pete: mudslinging and libel starts

            12:41 pm

22.     Brentosaur: public relations maestro.

            12:48 pm

23.     Pete: person to person, pete to brent farmer.

            12:55 pm

24.     Brentosaur: It's not libel when it's true.

            12:50 pm

25.     Pete: attacking my character publicly

            12:53 pm

26.     Pete: if you don't stand up to bullies they just keep doing what they do.

            12:59 pm

27.     Pete: I'm not threatening anyone.

            1:05 pm

28.     Pete: Brent blocked me.

            1:22 pm

Final PDF of all screen caps of this incident. We here at TFCO have put together a PDF detailing the original interaction from start to finish since not all interactions/branches were easy to follow.

The drama didn't stop there though... May 10th saw the online harassment of others too.


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